April Showers Bring May Flowers – Flowers to Plant in Spring

“Spring has sprung!”, so they say.  Yes, per the calendar it is spring. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we are experiencing spring-like temperatures, but don’t let that stop you from starting your spring flower garden.  Here is a list of 5 spring flowers that you can plant now.  After a long, cold winter, these blooms will have you looking forward to warm days to come!

  1. PANSY

Pansies actually prefer cool weather.  Many gardeners love them because they are one of the best flowers to plant early in the spring season.  Fill up containers and window boxes with a colorful variety of these hearty, cheerful beauties.  They prefer sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil.  Growing Pansies


These sweet flowers not only look pretty, but also have a nice, subtle fragrance.  They will grow best in a slightly shaded area and they like cooler weather. So, if you are having a cool spring they are a great option.  Make sure they are planted in moist, well-drained soil.  Bonus: when autumn arrives and the temperature cools again, they may blood a second time! Facts About the Anemone Sylvestris


There is no spring fragrance sweeter than the luscious lilac.  One of the best flowers to plant in spring, lilacs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from dwarf shrubs to taller trees.  Remember that lilacs grow on old wood, so don’t prune until after the same year’s flowering is over.  Plant them in well-drained soil where they will get full sun. Growing Lilacs


Nothing screams “SPRING!”  like a happy row of daffodils!  These bright spring flowers come in a wide range of shapes and sizes.  You will like the fact that deer don’t care for them, so they will stick around longer than other, more palatable plants.  Let the foliage of the daffodils die on its own so that it will rejuvenate the plants to come back next year.  Plant in well-drained soil in full sun. All About Daffodils


Patience is a virtue, and with these late spring bloomers, you must have patience. But it will be so worth it when you see burst of pretty petals that will last through early summer.  One of the best flowers to plant in spring, this double variety will not disappoint!  Plant in full sun in well-drained soil.  Rock Rose Guide

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