If you are trying to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, you may feel like you are sacrificing a lot of things that you have become accustomed to. While you may be giving up things like convenient, lower-priced items and food filled with flavors you have grown up with, the earth friendly habits you form will make it all worthwhile. Don’t let the idea of transitioning to an eco-friendly lifestyle overwhelm you! The truth is that making green changes can be simple and affordable.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything at once. Make small changes first and then when you’re ready you can make bigger changes. Here are some easy, affordable ways to begin:
- Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Instead of using toxic substances that are found in many expensive, commercially available cleaning products, you can make your own cleaning products that work just as well while also helping you create a more healthy environment in your home. 14 Homemade Cleaners You Can Make With Ingredients from Your Pantry
- Don’t Use Your Car as Often
If you live in the suburbs or out in the country it’s understandable that cars are necessary, but try choosing to walk or ride a bike if you have to go shorter distances. Not only will you save emissions, which helps the environment, you will also be getting the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Win, win!! Less air pollution and better physical health are both positive effects of skipping the car for short trips.
- Recycle

You probably already do some recycling, but it’s not just about plastic and paper. You can recycle all kinds of items from food to electronics to toys and more… To make recycling a habit, start using buckets or bins for various items. Start composting your food scraps to create quality nutrients for your garden. And if you feel some items still have some life in them, upcycle them and use them in different ways! 30 Brilliant Upcycling Ideas
- Grow Your Own Vegetables
Organic foods can be very pricey at grocery stores, so why not grow your own organic vegetables? Starting a vegetable garden is a great way to save money and to have fresh, healthy food for your meals. Seeds are not very expensive and gardening may even lower your stress levels. Start with easy-to-grow veggies and learn as you go. 8 Easiest Vegetables to Grow Even if You Don’t Know Anything About Gardening

- Cook From Scratch
Growing your own food is a great…and eating it is even better! Limiting your consumption of commercially farmed foods is another good way to be more green. The Earth’s resources are being drained by the food supply chain and as a result, we have over-processed foods that are costly and have little to no nutritional value. And it’s not just WHAT you eat, it’s how it is prepared as well. Try to phase out the use of plastics including containers, spatulas, spoons, etc. Opt for glass, stainless, bamboo, wood, and reusable bags instead. 10 Mind-Blowing Facts That Prove How Harmful Plastic is to Our Planet
Earth is our planet…our home; and we need to take care of it. So, take these small steps to be more eco-friendly and be part of the solution, not the problem!
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Photo Credits; terrcastproducts.com, today.com, netzro.us, marketingtechnews.net, the urban twist