Follow These Tips to Make Working From Home a Pleasure

Working remotely from home has become quite the trend over the past few years. With that comes a new need for homeowners. A home office. If you don’t already have a designated home office, here are some tips for setting up a workspace that will meet all your needs:

  • Create a Designated Workspace

You need to be able to compartmentalize your “work life” and “home life” and that will be very challenging to do if you don’t have a designated workspace in your home. Ideally, your workspace should be in a quiet area of the house where you will have as much privacy as possible, especially if you share a home with a spouse, roommates, children and/or pets. You will want to separate yourself from the distractions of home life during your work hours.

  • Prioritize Your Needs

Once you’ve established where you will be working in your house, you will know how much space you have for office supplies. If you are lucky enough to have a whole room to yourself, you don’t have too much to worry about, but if you have limited space you may have to compromise on some things. But however you set it up, make it a permanent space that is used solely for work.

  • Make Sure it is Comfortable

Depending on your schedule, you will likely be spending a lot of time in your home office, so comfort should be a priority. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to invest in a good chair that is the proper height and provides back and arm support. Another good investment is a “stand-up” desk that allows time for standing while working. Don’t scrimp on comfort!

  • Be Creative with Storage

Depending on the amount of space you have for your home office, it may feel a bit tight with just the necessities like your desk and chair. But you will likely need storage space as well. Staying organized in a small space is imperative so that the files and supplies you need are easily accessible. A tall, narrow vertical file cabinet offers a good way to maintain order, while taking up as little floor space as possible. Home Office Storage Ideas

  • Use Bright Natural Lighting

If possible, choose a space in your home that provides bright, natural light. Good lighting is important for your home office. It can influence your energy and mood while working. Of course, natural light from a window is best, but if necessary, you can find lamps that provide proper lighting as well. You want enough light to reduce eye strain and to prevent glare off your computer screen. The right lighting will help prevent squinting and headaches, making for a more pleasant work experience.

  • Personalize It!

Even though you are at “home”, you still need to make your workspace YOURS. Adding your own personal touch to it will make your office space more enticing and you will enjoy spending time there. Consider painting the walls with colors that are either energizing or calming…whatever suits your personality. Add plants and art to make it feel special to you. You will be spending a lot of time there, so you want it to be a place where you feel comfortable and happy!

Are you thinking of buying a home or selling your current home in New River Valley, VA? Then it is time to contact Desi Sowers, your New River Valley, VA real estate resource! Give her a call today at 540-320-1328!

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